Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 13 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"

Today's Challenge

Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

To My Parents:

I knew one day it was going to happen, the split up between you two.  And now that it's been over a year since it occurred, I can finally say I've been able to move on from it. I won't lie and say that it still doesn't hurt that neither one of you are able to get along with the other.  I was divorced too, in case you forgotten.  And regardless of what feelings my ex and I have towards each other, we are still civil.  We don't talk bad about each other to our child.  This is a predicament that one of you tends to do on a consistent basis.  And it hurts my feelings.  I know that you are trying not to mention things, but I can't fix what is broken.  I am no longer the peace keeper.  I will not be the middle man in giving information from one parent to the other regarding any issue.  I honestly wish you could get past the anger you have for each other and at least be able to be civil, for your kids and grandkids sake.  Maybe this is too personal for you to hear, but it's something that I needed to get off my chest.  I have tried to just sit back and listen because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes.  I love you both dearly and one day I hope that if anything you can at least be civil with each other.



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