Today's Challenge:
Day 9 - Something you're proud of in the past few days
I really had to think on this one. But I would say (and don't laugh...) I'm most proud of not having a mental break down in the past few days... Now last week, that was a whole different ballgame, but the past few days, even feeling crappy on Sunday, I still managed to keep my head up (well, it laid on the pillow, but ya know what i mean). So, yeah, for once, I'm proud of MYSELF for not freaking all out when I very easily could have while feeling crappy.
Go Me! LOL
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 8 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge:
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Well, I have LOTS of goals each and every day, such as getting out of bed (which can be a task some days if you have depression issues --- some of you may understand). So as far as short term goals for this month and why, well, let's see....
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Well, I have LOTS of goals each and every day, such as getting out of bed (which can be a task some days if you have depression issues --- some of you may understand). So as far as short term goals for this month and why, well, let's see....
- Take new medicine on time every day so that it starts working. Why? Because I'm awful at remembering to take medicine at the same time every day. And this new med you have to take at the same time every day... oy, why couldn't it be one of the flexible ones!
- Start back on fitness routine of going to Zumba twice a week. Why? Because I've been away from it for a few weeks now due to illness and I don't want to gain back any weight that I've been working so hard to take off. And, because it's good for me to be exercising!
- Make/Fix jewelry that Aunt Jane brought over for me to work on and COMPLETE it in a timely fashion. Why? Because I have a hard time completing projects I start! Focus, Wendy, Focus!!!
- Attend the planning commission meeting that I've missed the last two months. Why? Because it is important that I keep my role up for my community. I took this position over a year ago and until the last few months had not missed any meetings. But the meeting dates were also supposed to change back to Thursdays after the beginning of the year but they did not (which irritates me because it falls on the same day and time as my Zumba class! ugh!) But I need to really REALLY make it back to the meetings. I refuse to not complete this mission!
- Get insurance for Madyson. Why? It's a long story... but in short she was dropped from the state insurance in November and now we have to reapply to get denied again so we can get her on CHIP. It's a long and pain in the butt process, but it's the only way to afford insurance for her since Greg's work wants to charge and arm, leg, and first born per month for insurance that sucks anyways...
That's mostly what I'm focusing on this month. I always have a million other things to accomplish, but those are my short term goals for this month and why...
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Day 7 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge:
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Wow, my family would DEFINITELY be the biggest impact on me, of course, because my whole life has changed with them. But you would already know that from my post on Day 3. So instead of naming someone.. I'm going to name SOMETHING. And of course that one thing that has the biggest impact on me right now in my life would be:
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Wow, my family would DEFINITELY be the biggest impact on me, of course, because my whole life has changed with them. But you would already know that from my post on Day 3. So instead of naming someone.. I'm going to name SOMETHING. And of course that one thing that has the biggest impact on me right now in my life would be:
(And yes, I JUST took that picture of it and I know my desk is messy! LOL)
Oh, honestly, I do think I just might die without it. It helps me keep in contact with friends and family. Whenever we need to look anything up, I just "google it". I can create some pretty awesome looking photos and videos on it. I can play games on it. I can do just about anything with my computer. I ♥ My Computer.
So back to the main topic... My computer is something that has the biggest impact on my life right now. I think I just might be lost without it. (And I'm sure that my husband would agree to that!)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 6 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge:
Day 6 - Favorite Superhero and why.
Most girls would probably pick Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, or Super Girl... no, not me... my Favorite superhero, excuse me, superheroine, would have to be... She-Ra!!!!
Not only was she the most powerful woman in the universe (I mean, how cool is that) but her alter ego was Princess Adora. I mean, what little girl (or big girl) doesn't want to be a princess??? Well, maybe if you don't want to be, I DO!!!! HA HA!!!
Also, think about it, she's beautiful, she lives a fantasy life, she uses her brain more often than brawn to outsmart her enemies (a good role model), she has a twin brother that is equally as cool (He-Man)... And she gets to hold up a sword and say "By the Honor of Grayskull... I am She-Ra!"
She-Ra totally rocked!!!!!
Day 6 - Favorite Superhero and why.
Most girls would probably pick Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, or Super Girl... no, not me... my Favorite superhero, excuse me, superheroine, would have to be... She-Ra!!!!
Also, think about it, she's beautiful, she lives a fantasy life, she uses her brain more often than brawn to outsmart her enemies (a good role model), she has a twin brother that is equally as cool (He-Man)... And she gets to hold up a sword and say "By the Honor of Grayskull... I am She-Ra!"
She-Ra totally rocked!!!!!
Yes, I'm a "worrier"...
As my husband likes to point out to me, I am a "worrier"... My therapist once told me that I was a "What If" girl... my doctor says I "let things get to me".... I know this is a constant problem for me. Instead of being positive about things, I'm always afraid of the worse that could happen. I have been trying to work on this, but it's a lot harder than one would think. Maybe it's just programmed into my nature to constantly worry about thing. When something bad happens, I think, "what's going to happen next" and not in a good way. The saying "when it rains, it pours" to me should be "when it rains, it floods!"... it's like things never seem to get better.
But today, as I was reading my Reader's Digest... I came across this quote:
"If you fixate on the worst-case scenario, and it actually happens, you've lived it twice"
~Michael J. Fox~
Boy did this hit home for me... And I realized... WOW, he's right! Not only do I worry or "what-if" the situation to the point that it drives me nuts, but "what-if" the situation never happens, then I've went through all that worrying for nothing. And if it DOES happen, then I'm putting myself through that situation twice. What a slap in the face.
Now I'm going to start trying to re-think my attitude towards the "what-if" scenarios... because if going through something once isn't bad enough already, then why make myself go through it twice by worrying about it too soon.
Just a thought for the day.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Day 5 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge
Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been to.
Well, I don't get out much... but in the last two years I've been to more places than in most of my life, including Virginia Beach (TO GET MARRIED!!!!) and to Disney World!!!! Now don't get me wrong, Disney ROCKED, but I was like 4 months pregnant and couldn't ride anything. I hope I get to go back someday when I'm not pregnant and ride EVERYTHING!!! It was very fun and memorable, but nothing beats this day:
Day 5 - A picture of somewhere you've been to.
Well, I don't get out much... but in the last two years I've been to more places than in most of my life, including Virginia Beach (TO GET MARRIED!!!!) and to Disney World!!!! Now don't get me wrong, Disney ROCKED, but I was like 4 months pregnant and couldn't ride anything. I hope I get to go back someday when I'm not pregnant and ride EVERYTHING!!! It was very fun and memorable, but nothing beats this day:
Mr & Mrs Gregory Christy
July 23, 2009
Virginia Beach, VA
So, that's my "place that I have been to"... and one of the BEST days of my entire life, the day I married my soul mate & best friend.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Day 4 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's challenge:
Day 4 - A habit that you wish you didn't have.
Ok, the easiest answer to this would be "smoking cigarettes".... but you know my answers are never "easy"... although I wish I would have NEVER picked up a cigarette again when i had quit for almost 2 years!!! Ugh... what was I thinking... Stupid Self!!!
But no, that is NOT my answer... my answer is "BEING LATE"..... I am ALWAYS late to everything... It's so bad that people tell me to be somewhere 1/2hour to an hour ahead of time so that I make it there on time! Yeah, it's that bad... I have been late all my life... my first grading period of high school I got a Saturday Detention (the "bad" one) for being tardy to school more than 3 times... shoot, knowing me, I was probably late being born! (if so, sorry mom! lol)
God knows that i have TRIED to break this habit... tried leaving the house early or getting up earlier or preparing the night before for the next day if I have somewhere to go, but it just NEVER seems to work out in my favor. I am always late... even the church choir tells me to show up 15 minutes before they do! (How bad is that, right?!?!) Maybe I'm just destined to be late... why God has given me this flaw to have others joke about it at my expense is still beyond me, but hey, He's God and He knows what He's doing, right? :-)
But with any luck, I'll be late to my own funeral... I'd prefer to stick around for a long while.. I look forward to growing old with my husband. (I think we'll be that cute old couple you walk past in the mall that is in their 80's still holding hands...)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Day 3 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge:
Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends
Well, I guess you could say that I'm not the type of person that has that many "friends", mostly acquaintances. So, for this challenge, I don't have a pic of me and someone you'd call my friends by just terminology. (I would have to dig back to high school picture days or such to find pics like this....)
My "FRIENDS" are my family...
My husband, Greg, is my BEST FRIEND. I can tell him anything. He's never failed to be by my side no matter what the situation is. He is dependable. No matter if it's during the day or in the middle of the night I can always talk to him about whatever I need to. And as my best friend, there is a bond of love between us that no one can break. ♥
My daughters, Kiera & Madyson, are also my FRIENDS. They are there for me to give me hugs and kisses when I'm sad and my older one always has a few "it's gonna be ok, mom"'s to tell me when I'm feeling down. ♥
So here is a pictures of my "friends". Enjoy!
Day 3 - A picture of you and your friends
Well, I guess you could say that I'm not the type of person that has that many "friends", mostly acquaintances. So, for this challenge, I don't have a pic of me and someone you'd call my friends by just terminology. (I would have to dig back to high school picture days or such to find pics like this....)
My "FRIENDS" are my family...
My husband, Greg, is my BEST FRIEND. I can tell him anything. He's never failed to be by my side no matter what the situation is. He is dependable. No matter if it's during the day or in the middle of the night I can always talk to him about whatever I need to. And as my best friend, there is a bond of love between us that no one can break. ♥
My daughters, Kiera & Madyson, are also my FRIENDS. They are there for me to give me hugs and kisses when I'm sad and my older one always has a few "it's gonna be ok, mom"'s to tell me when I'm feeling down. ♥
So here is a pictures of my "friends". Enjoy!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 2 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's Challenge:
Day 2 - The meaning behind your blog name.
Well... this took some careful consideration (and a "code name generator") to
Scattered Plastic.... not something you would normally hear or consider being a "blog name". Normally people go with something along the like of "So&So's Blog" or "My Journey" or such... but if you know me, you know I'm not the "normal" type. Scattered Plastic was chosen because of how I feel it associates with my life. Let me dissect it for you....
Scattered --- My life, as most people know, is not simple... It does not stay in one piece. I am all over the place with myself, including my emotions. I am thrown around between family drama. I have always been the "peace maker" with my family until just a few years ago. Finally I threw the towel in and decided that it was time for ME to start picking up the pieces of my life and being able to put them back together. This is and always will be an ongoing process though. So "Scattered" to me means being able to put myself out there for availability for everyone, yet keep just enough of myself here to stay "me". I'd never want to completely pull myself away from any one or any situation that I can be of use in. Sometimes I scatter myself too thin though and have to pull back out for a while. Don't worry though, I recoup after a short timeout! (ha ha)
Plastic --- Well, think about this... most of our common items around our households and such are made of plastic... it's functional, it's not expensive to maintain or build, it's lightweight and durable, but yet without care it can easily break into a million pieces. But yet plastic is soft enough that it even with a sharp edge is less likely to cut someone than say metal or glass. So my life is like plastic... i can take on many shapes or forms (mom, wife, friend, employee). You can drop me, toss me around, but don't throw me or I'll break.(I can deal with a lot on my plate at a time, but when my plate is full I may crack) I can easily be replaced (like Gladware lol), so i must work hard to maintain my sustainability as to not be replaced. (like keeping my life and health in check).
So, SCATTERED PLASTIC --- It's like re-gluing an old lamp after it gets bumped off the end table, just because you want to keep it around. You like it.. .no, you LOVE it, so you constantly are picking up the pieces and putting them back together. That's my life. No matter how many times I get frustrated, sad, upset, happy, joyous, strained, lost or found, I will ALWAYS stand back up and glue back together the Scattered Pieces of Plastic.
Day 1 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"
Today's challenge:
Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
First off, I can't believe I'm actually posting this picture of myself!!! It was the most recent that I could find that was ONLY of me. Most of the time I have my kids or hubby in my pictures. This was taken on Christmas day (notice all the mess). I was quite comfy in my jogging pants & t-shirt! Never thought this picture would go public, but hey, I'm trying to be honest about this challenge stuff!
So here goes my list.... 15 interesting facts about myself... Hmmmm..... (and in no specific order!)
- I am emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Sometimes it gets me in trouble, but I'd rather people see who I really am instead of what they want me to be.
- I LOVE to wear my comfy jogging pants when I'm at home... ♥
- I'd die without coffee. I did give up and go to the half caffeine stuff, but I MUST have coffee.
- My kids are my world. Without them I wouldn't exist. They mean more to me than I could ever describe in just a few words.
- My husband is my rock. He is my soul mate. I believe I was blessed when God just happened to put us together at the right time and right place in this crazy world.
- I have anxiety and depression issues. 'nough said.
- I start projects and tend to not finish them. (bad, I know... i just jump from one thing to the next a lot... maybe it's the OCD thing???)
- I can't sleep at night because that's when the wheels in my head just start turning with everything that could possibly go through a persons head at one time.
- I'm jealous of all the women around me who are pregnant right now. I don't dislike them for it, just wish it was me.
- I have smoked since I was 15. I quite for almost 2 years when pregnant and after with Madyson, but started back up in July due to stress... (I know, not an excuse, but let's not go there) I wish I could quit again. I'm working on it, but it's just so hard right now.
- I have no "best friends". Well, my husband is, but I'm talking about outside of the house. I never really did fit in anywhere. I'm hoping someday I'll honestly be able to say I have a best friend. (Oh, and Benji, if you are reading this.. you aren't a best friend, you are more like my sister... cousin by blood, sister by choice -- I love you girl!)
- I have been singing since I was 5 years old in front of large groups of people. I wanted to be a music teacher and was even accepted into a local university to be a voice major, but got pregnant right after high school and never really got the chance to go back and pursue my dream. But I'm not giving up hope.
- I love photography. I wish I was able to dedicate more time to it. It's so much fun, but for some reason I end up liking to be on the "behind the scenes" part doing editing and such more than being out with the people.
- You'd never know it, but honestly I am shy. Now, around people I've always known, they will tell you that I have the loudest mouth and biggest personality in the room, but when I am in new, unfamiliar territory, I get very nervous. I could never be a public speaker.
- I am a worrier. My glass is just a 1/4 of the way full.... I'm also asking "WHAT IF?" I wish it was a habit I could break, but I just can't help but think of EVERY possible consequence to every action that takes place. I'm sure my husband gets annoyed with it sometimes, but it's just the way I am, and I'm glad he still loves me anyways. *smile*
Hey!!!! I did it... I completed my first challenge!!! It was a little tougher than I thought it would be, but it was kinda neat to sit and have to think about 15 things about myself... really put a few things into perspective for me.
Hope you all enjoy it... maybe you'll learn a little something about me that you didn't already know. ♥
30 Days of Me Challenge
So since I haven't really ever tackled this "blogging" thing, I thought I would give it a shot. I guess the easiest way to jump in would be to give myself a challenge. So I found a "30 Days of Me Challenge" that I intend to start with. I guess that would be a good way to introduce myself. :-)
Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02 - The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03 - A picture of you and your friends
Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 05 - A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 06 - Favorite super hero and why
Day 07 - A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08 - Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09 - Something you're proud of in the past few days
Day 10 - Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11 - Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - A picture of you and your family
Day 15 - Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 17 - Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - Plan/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20 - Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21 - A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - Something you crave for a lot
Day 24 - A letter to your parents
Day 25 - What I would find in your bag
Day 26 - What you think about your friends
Day 27 - Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29 - In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - Your favorite song.
So I guess it's time to start the challenge!!!!! Wish me luck!!!
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