Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 1 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"

Today's challenge:

Day 1 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

First off, I can't believe I'm actually posting this picture of myself!!!  It was the most recent that I could find that was ONLY of me.  Most of the time I have my kids or hubby in my pictures.  This was taken on Christmas day (notice all the mess).  I was quite comfy in my jogging pants & t-shirt!  Never thought this picture would go public, but hey, I'm trying to be honest about this challenge stuff!  

So here goes my list....  15 interesting facts about myself... Hmmmm..... (and in no specific order!)

  1. I am emotional.  I wear my heart on my sleeve.  Sometimes it gets me in trouble, but I'd rather people see who I really am instead of what they want me to be.  
  2. I LOVE to wear my comfy jogging pants when I'm at home... ♥
  3. I'd die without coffee.  I did give up and go to the half caffeine stuff, but I MUST have coffee.
  4. My kids are my world.  Without them I wouldn't exist.  They mean more to me than I could ever describe in just a few words.
  5. My husband is my rock.  He is my soul mate.  I believe I was blessed when God just happened to put us together at the right time and right place in this crazy world.
  6. I have anxiety and depression issues.  'nough said.
  7. I start projects and tend to not finish them. (bad, I know... i just jump from one thing to the next a lot... maybe it's the OCD thing???)
  8. I can't sleep at night because that's when the wheels in my head just start turning with everything that could possibly go through a persons head at one time.
  9. I'm jealous of all the women around me who are pregnant right now.  I don't dislike them for it, just wish it was me.
  10. I have smoked since I was 15.  I quite for almost 2 years when pregnant and after with Madyson, but started back up in July due to stress... (I know, not an excuse, but let's not go there)  I wish I could quit again.  I'm working on it, but it's just so hard right now.
  11. I have no "best friends".  Well, my husband is, but I'm talking about outside of the house.  I never really did fit in anywhere.  I'm hoping someday I'll honestly be able to say I have a best friend.  (Oh, and Benji, if you are reading this.. you aren't a best friend, you are more like my sister... cousin by blood, sister by choice -- I love you girl!)
  12. I have been singing since I was 5 years old in front of large groups of people.  I wanted to be a music teacher and was even accepted into a local university to be a voice major, but got pregnant right after high school and never really got the chance to go back and pursue my dream.  But I'm not giving up hope.  
  13. I love photography.  I wish I was able to dedicate more time to it.  It's so much fun, but for some reason I end up liking to be on the "behind the scenes" part doing editing and such more than being out with the people.  
  14. You'd never know it, but honestly I am shy.  Now, around people I've always known, they will tell you that I have the loudest mouth and biggest personality in the room, but when I am in new, unfamiliar territory, I get very nervous.  I could never be a public speaker.
  15. I am a worrier.  My glass is just a 1/4 of the way full....  I'm also asking "WHAT IF?" I wish it was a habit I could break, but I just can't help but think of EVERY possible consequence to every action that takes place.  I'm sure my husband gets annoyed with it sometimes, but it's just the way I am, and I'm glad he still loves me anyways. *smile*

Hey!!!!  I did it... I completed my first challenge!!!  It was a little tougher than I thought it would be, but it was kinda neat to sit and have to think about 15 things about myself... really put a few things into perspective for me.  

Hope you all enjoy it... maybe you'll learn a little something about me that you didn't already know.  ♥


  1. Love the pic! I wear yoga pants ALWAYS while at home!!! It's good to learn things about you :) I'm looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. Thanks Amy! I hope that they keep interesting and don't bore anyone! I'm excited about starting this. :-) I also think it may be a good way for me to "unwind" in the evenings. I felt more rested when I went to bed last night. :-)

  3. "I LOVE to wear my comfy jogging pants when I'm at home... ♥"

    I hear ya' on that one!
