Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 6 of "30 Days of Me Challenge"

Today's Challenge:

Day 6 - Favorite Superhero and why.

Most girls would probably pick Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, or Super Girl... no, not me... my Favorite superhero, excuse me, superheroine, would have to be... She-Ra!!!!

Not only was she the most powerful woman in the universe (I mean, how cool is that) but her alter ego was Princess Adora.  I mean, what little girl (or big girl) doesn't want to be a princess???  Well, maybe if you don't want to be, I DO!!!!  HA HA!!!

Also, think about it, she's beautiful, she lives a fantasy life, she uses her brain more often than brawn to outsmart her enemies (a good role model), she has a twin brother that is equally as cool (He-Man)...  And she gets to hold up a sword and say "By the Honor of Grayskull...  I am She-Ra!"

She-Ra totally rocked!!!!!

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